The term “mask debate” will never be the same again, thanks to Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
Metro reports: A viral video is all the talk online following the latest episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, with newsreaders saying “mask debate” over and over again eliciting chuckles from the masses. Why? Well, you see, when you listen (not even that carefully) it tends to sound a whole lot like they're saying “masturbate.” Which is, evidently, why we cannot have nice things and we are all clearly children. … In this week's programme they dedicated nearly a minute to bless our ears with, essentially, the word ‘masturbate' in a segment titled: “We promise you: these people are not saying ‘masturbate.'”
More from the Daily Dot: “The mask debate is intensifying,” says one news anchor in the video, while others declare that the “mask debate now taking center stage at local restaurants” and pose the question, “how many mask debates have you gotten into?” “There's now a video of a raging mask debate,” says one female anchor, of what sounds like a decidedly NSFW affair. … A good rule of thumb for those who would like to mask debate is that you do it in the privacy of your own home, preferably with the lights off and curtains closed. Because to do so in public, on Facebook, or literally anywhere else where others can see or hear you—well, you just look like an asshole.
Check out a few reactions below.