A maskless Tennessee cop angrily approached a man filming a pair of state troopers who had pulled over a motorist, threatened to arrest him, got in the man's face, and then ripped off the man's face mask. He also had his hand on his gun in a threatening manner.
TMZ reports: “Andrew Golden says this went down Monday near the Tennessee State Capitol building as he was recording state troopers who had pulled over a motorist. He says he kept a safe distance away on a public sidewalk before State Trooper Harvey Briggs — who was not involved in the traffic stop — threw a fit. … Golden claims Briggs then stepped on his foot — all without wearing a mask, mind you — and then, suddenly, ripped Golden's mask off his face. He immediately called out Briggs for it … and you hear Briggs deny it as he walked away saying, ‘I'm tired of you people making stuff up.'”