Miles Taylor, the former chief of staff of the Department of Homeland Security, who appeared in a stunning video for Republican Voters Against Trump and wrote a damning Washington Post op-ed about his work under Trump, says there are more former staffers like him who will be speaking out.
Said Taylor in the video: “What we saw week in and week out, for me, after two and a half years in that administration, was terrifying. We would go in to try to talk to him about a pressing national security issue — cyberattack, terrorism threat — he wasn't interested in those things. To him, they weren't priorities. Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this President.”
In an interview on Good Morning America, Taylor went over some of Trump's disgusting requests about ripping immigrant children away from their families, and told George Stephanopoulos that he is just the first of more former Trump administration officials who will be speaking out.
“I can't get into too much detail on it, but the president hasn't heard the last of us. Me, speaking out yesterday, you can think of it as an opening salvo. The president can expect that in the coming weeks and months leading up to the election, he is going to hear from more people that served in his administration, and he's going to hear more of them give the same testimonies I gave which is that he's ill-equipped to hold the office that he has and that a second term would be more dangerous than a first term. You'll hear that soon.
Trump on Tuesday claimed not to know Taylor, tweeting: “Many thousands of people work for our government. With that said, a former DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE named Miles Taylor, who I do not know (never heard of him), said he left & is on the open arms Fake News circuit. Said to be a real “stiff”. They will take anyone against us!”
But Taylor has receipts, and tweeted back: