TMZ caught up with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Sunday and grilled him about Kanye West's effect on the election. Said Giuliani: “I'm not sure. I haven't really assessed Kanye. Kanye I think is secretly a Trump supporter.”
Giuliani said Trump is not mad, saying “Kanye is expressing the discontent of the African-American voter who has been completely taken for granted, completely manipulated by the Democrat party for 50 years. … I think Kanye's making that point. And I think you're going to see a big difference.”
The Washington Post reported on Sunday that Kanye's presidential bid is being facilitated by Republican operatives in at least five states: “Their involvement raises the specter that his candidacy is being propped upby a GOP-driven effort to siphon votes from presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden. … Asked by a reporter for Forbes Magazine this past week if his goal was to take votes from Biden, West said in a text message ‘walking . . . to win.' Told he could serve as a spoiler in the race, West responded, ‘I'm not going to argue with you. Jesus is King.'”