Saturday Night Live brought viewers to the vice presidential debate between Maya Rudolph's Kamala Harris and Beck Bennett's Mike Pence, aka “the thing that will change everyone's minds.”
“Good evening, I'm Susan Page, and I missed book club for this. Tonight we'll be discussing a ‘who cares' number of topics, each lasting ‘I couldn't tell you' minutes,” said Kate McKinnon's Susan Page, serving as moderator. “Tonight you'll notice that between the candidates we've installed buffet style sneeze guards on account that one of you works for patient zero.”
The night's first exchange dealt with coronavirus and featured Rudolph's Harris informing Bennett's Pence multiple times that it was her turn to speak. She also explained each of her facial expressions.
“Now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fix my face so you have no idea what I'm thinking, but every black woman at home knows exactly what I'm thinking, and a few of the white women, and all of the gays.”
Asked about the health of the president, Bennett's Pence explained: “Look, I can promise you, the president has taken this virus very seriously from the beginning …. of last week. The president is doing amazing, thanks to his team of terrified doctors. As you heard from his primary physician, Dr. Handsome Liar, Trump is in peak physical condition.”
“The president believes in medicine, unlike Senator Harris who said she won't even take a vaccine,” Bennett's Pence argued.
“Look, if Dr. Fauci says a vaccine is good, I will be the first in line like it's an Anne Taylor sample sale,” Rudolph's Harris replied. “But if Trump says it's safe, I will throw that vaccine in the trash like last week's shrimp pad thai.”
SNL's debate then cut to Jim Carrey's Joe Biden and Heidi Gardner's Jill Biden watching at home.
Carrey's Biden told the former second lady: “Kamala can't get a word in edgewise! I need to do something. I need to teleport to that debate and save the soul of this nation.”
Enter the fly.