Rush Limbaugh accuses Michael J. Fox of exaggerating the effects of Parkinson's disease in campaign ad: “Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting.” Fox respond…Parkinson Foundation responds…
— Anderson Cooper spotted with mystery man..and the mystery thickens…
— Isaiah Washington issues apology for on-set comments during brawl with Patrick Dempsey that may or may not have led to the outing of co-star T.R. Knight. Washington: “I sincerely regret my actions and the unfortunate use of words during the recent incident on-set. Both are beneath my own personal standards. … I have nothing but respect for my coworkers … and have apologized personally to everyone involved.”
— Does the media have a double standard on gay slurs? “If while on the set of their hit television series Grey's Anatomy, Patrick Dempsey, with his hands around the throat of a co-star, had said in reference to Isaiah Washington ‘I'm not your little n***** like Isaiah,' would there be an uproar in the mainstream media? Would it be a ‘hard news' item?”
— Gay Police Association of Britain says it will appeal a finding that said it made false claims in an ad linking Christianity to a rise in homophobic crimes. The ad depicted a Holy Bible next to a pool of blood.
— Woman goes ballistic after finding husband performing gay act on a webcam. Heads to bar, drinks cocktails, returns home to beat him.
— British pop band front man comes out of the closet.