The victim of a vicious anti-gay attack in Quebec City on July 1 has come forward, the Canadian Press reports:
“Philippe, who did not release his last name, says four men with shaved heads followed him after he left the Le Drague gay bar in downtown Quebec City on July 1. After calling the 24-year-old man derogatory names, the assailants knocked him to the ground. In a melee lasting less than 60 seconds, the men punched and kicked him repeatedly. The victim spent two days in hospital and doctors needed eight screws to reassemble his jaw.”
The attack has prompted gay rights groups to hold a brunch “to condemn homophobia” during upcoming gay pride festivities. The brunch will be held at a venue at Place d'Youville in Quebec City, where the man was targeted.
Said Olivier Poulin, president of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Quebec: “This man who was attacked is not alone. He has a community with him. He wanted to make sure other young people would not have to face attacks such as this. It's very symbolic to hold [the meeting] a few steps from the (provincial) national assembly, a few steps from city hall and a few steps from where the young man was attacked.”