San Francisco cop suspended for homophobic amateur videos wins appeal of suspension: "Cohen, an officer since 1995, shot videos showing officers responding to
mock calls. One showed a homeless black woman railing against white people
after apparently being hit by a patrol car. Another showed an officer ogling a
woman he had stopped for a traffic violation. One officer was shown dressed as a transgender person, and a policewoman
was filmed putting on lipstick during a mock drug raid. Another video showed
officers attempting tai chi to vaguely Asian music, then heading into a massage
Bachelor Andy Baldwin tries his best to bring back the Speedo.
Scottish minister resigns post after Gaydar profile discovered. Source: "Jarvie separated from his wife in 2003 but they never divorced. His
behavior has been causing concern in Falkland and Freuchie for some
time. A minister who dresses up like a member of the Village People and
is looking for married men for group sex might not be the best person
to hold down the office of minister or chaplain. It's shocking to everyone. When his wife left he cut his hair and grew a goatee – everyone was waiting on him coming out."
Radio station loses listeners after calling openly gay NYC City Council Speaker Christine Quinn a "nasty lesbo".
POLL: 75% of Israelis would accept a gay child, despite the perceived difficulties.
Telemundo host Luisa Fernanda loses job after calling gay man a Grouper: ”For me, it was just an association of words, comparing a fish to a
fish. I had no idea it was an offensive word. I
would be incapable of being homophobic.”
Paula Abdul's reality show a step too far? "If only people see how cool I am mixing it up with my fans, then
they won't think I'm just Simon Cowell's bimbo or a floozy pillfreak.
They'll see me as a sexy, supportive, fun little powerhouse. While
it's not clear that this logic seized anyone but Ms. Abdul, she still
brought her vision to the screen. And no one has stopped her."
REPORT: David Beckham made £300 million for Real Madrid in four years.
Boeing unveils lightweight, carbon-composite Dreamliner 787.
Brad Pitt and Archbishop Desmond Tutu talk gay rights: "I could not for any part of me be able to keep quiet, because people
were being penalized, ostracized, treated as if they were less than
human, because of something they could do nothing to change–their
sexual orientation."
Slap happy: don't dare use the word "sputum" in front of Katie Couric.
Fort Lauderdale mayor targeted in toilet paper protest after disparaging comments about gays and public bathrooms: "'We are encouraging people to mail either a roll or several sheets
of toilet paper to the mayor at City Hall to help him to wipe his dirty
mind clean,' said Brian Winfield, spokesperson for Equality Florida, a
gay rights organization that helped come up with the toilet paper
protest Friday. The bathroom brouhaha started after Naugle's
comments in a July 4 article in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel about
the city's plan to buy a $250,000 self-cleaning robotic toilet for
beachgoers. The high-tech commode could be programmed with a time limit, after which the door would fly open. In
the article, Naugle was quoted as saying the toilet could prevent ‘homosexual activity' that has occurred at other public restrooms."
Lance Bass finds new love in Brazilian model.
Gay Pride in NYC Bronx faces hostile reaction from Parks Department: "When they hear ‘pride event,' they think it's a bunch of riffraff or hooligans who are going to destroy their park. If we were the Boy Scouts of America, I don't think we would have received such antagonism."