The NY Post reports that openly gay lawyer Robert Feldman complained to Bronx Supreme Court Justice Richard Lee Price after the judge labeled his courtroom manner “flamboyant”.
According to the Post the judge, who is hearing the case about a 20-year-old man who was shot by police, said: “I know making reference to your, what appeared to be dancing as part of your cross-examination and your flamboyant nature as I addressed it, I hope it won't happen again. Just try to control yourself.”
Feldman later complained: “With all due respect, I mind your characterization of my nature of dancing around and being flamboyant as homophobic.”
The judge said he was free to file a formal complaint, which Feldman, who claims he was “gesticulating with [his] hands,” says he won't do.
Said Feldman: “I give him the benefit of the doubt. I happen to think he's actually a top-notch, top-drawer, intelligent judge . . . I don't think he really meant to offend. But I do think it's subconscious homophobia.”
But what of the subconscious homophobia of the Post, who chose to include this unnecessary detail in their report: “The openly gay Feldman, 52, who boasts that he and his 20-something boyfriend are featured on the erotic gay Web site…”