In London to attend the premiere of his film Rendition, Jake Gyllenhaal appeared on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross to talk about that film as well as Brokeback Mountain.
Gyllenhaal joked to Ross that he swims to England and back rather than take a plane in order to help the environment. He also talked a bit about his love life and let it be known that “at this point” in his career it matters who gets his romantic attention.
ROSS: Before you go, let me ask you a question on behalf of many of the ladies in the audience perhaps the band as well here? Are you a single man?
GYLLENHAAL: On behalf of which, the band or the ladies?
ROSS: With your career, does it matter Jake?
GYLLENHAAL: At this point, yes. On behalf of the ladies, I'm single. On behalf of the band, i'm not.