Ryan Smith of BET’s My Two Cents appeared on Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld recently and had this exchange with “ombudsman” Andrew Levy.
LEVY: On BET’s website it describes your show My Two Cents as a one-hour talk show with five original voices discussing the issues of the day. It says issues will range from the latest celebrity hook-ups and break-ups to issues of race, color, and religion. Was the name “Black Eye” already taken?
SMITH: Oh, absolutely.
LEVY: Our next contact will be through our lawyers.
OFFSCREEN VOICE: We’re doing a gay episode called “Pink Eye”.
SMITH: I like that.
LEVY: I thought that was called “Brown Eye”.
LEVY: That won’t make air. Don’t worry. That won’t make air.
Incidentally, My Two Cents also features our friend, gay blogger Keith Boykin.