I'm on the host committee for a fundraiser for the National Equality March (on October 10th and 11th) being held in NYC at Elmo restaurant on September 24 at 9 pm. Cleve Jones will be there as well. Tickets are available here. Hope you can make it.
In related news, gay philanthropist Bruce Bastian has pledged $100,000 to the march, the Washington Blade reports:
"Bastian talked to the Blade about his support for the Oct. 11 march
the same day that the march's lead organizer, veteran gay activist
Cleve Jones of San Francisco, provided an update on the event for
reporters during a conference call. Jones declined Monday to predict how many people would join the
march, which has not been universally supported by LGBT activists,
saying only, 'I think it's going to be big.' … During the conference call Monday, Jones said the march and a related
conference for LGBT activists on Oct. 10, to be facilitated by the
Human Rights Campaign, is attracting 'incredible support' from young
people. He noted that many of the people expected to join the march are
promoting the two-day event through Internet social networking sites
such as Facebook and Twitter."
On Saturday, October 10, the day before the actual march, discharged military veterans Lt. Col Victor Fehrenbach, CPT Anthony Woods, Lt. Dan Choi, SSgt Eric Alva, and others will hold a 15-minute "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.