It has been more than a year since the
U.S. approved the Lantos/Hyde U.S. Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS,
Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act (S 2731) which contained a provision lifting a ban on travel and immigration to the U.S. by those who are HIV-positive.
Now, it appears the government is finally ready to follow through on that provision, the Miami Herald reports:
"Yesterday, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services issued a
memo which instructs USCIS officers to place a hold on any green card
applications which would otherwise be denied simply due to the
applicant's HIV status. The hold is pending release of the final HHS
rule change which will completely eliminate the ban. The memo
signals that the administration is very close to final repeal of the
ban, and is now instructing agencies to be ready for the change. USCIS
is clearly expecting guidance from HHS very soon, and has decided to
hold applications by HIV-positive applicants rather than deny them, as
the new rule will no longer prohibit their entry into the country."
The memo can be viewed here.