NOTE: Political director Corey Johnson and I will be live-blogging election results this evening here on the site. Please join us. Also, please send any interesting election day tips, stories, and photos to
Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap is predicting a 35 percent turnout today. Make sure to call everyone you know in Maine and tell them to get out and vote "no" on Question 1: "Dunlap says his estimate is based on requests for absentee ballots. He says the number of requests is high for a ballot featuring only referendums, but it doesn't compare to a presidential election. More than 100,000 absentee ballots already have been returned to town clerks' offices, and more than 10,000 are still outstanding. The absentee ballots will be counted after the polls close."
Americablog reports on an email sent to Maine voters yesterday:
"We just received a copy of an email message that OFA sent to Maine voters yesterday asking them to get involved in…. New Jersey!So now we know the rest of the story. This wasn't an issue of OFA not getting involved in politics (they are, after all, an arm of the DNC – that's what they do, politics). They absolutely get involved in state elections, so long as the election isn't about the g-a-y.And actually, even that isn't exactly true. The DNC under Howard Dean donated $25,000 to the battle to defeat Prop 8 in California (albeit a bit late), before Barack Obama became president. Democrats asked Barack Obama's DNC to donate to the Maine effort as well – the DNC ignored the request."
Here are some scenes from yesterday' GOTV rally in Portland. Americablog's Joe Sudbay talked to Michelangelo Signorile from the ground there. You can listen to the audio HERE.
Yesterday, thanks to reuqests by the netroots, the "No on 1" campaign raised $68,000, much more than the $25,000 they were asking for. Let's hope it helps. Jesse Connolly, "No on 1" campaign head, thanks supporters and says the money's going straight to TV and radio, AFTER THE JUMP…