Missouri State Senator Gary Nodler, a candidate for Congress, said that repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" would inspire acts of terrorism against the U.S. by Muslims offended by homosexuality, according to the St. Louis Dispatch:
"The Muslim nations of Iraq and Afghanistan, where America is fighting two wars, are opposed to homosexuality. Changing 'Don't ask, don't tell' would offend the terrorists in such a way that could put soldiers — and America — at risk of further terrorist attacks."
Nodler later clarified his remarks: "I never said that this would be a cultural affront to terrorists. I don't care what they think. I said it would be a cultuaral affront to the Muslims in who's country we are operating. We can not win the hearts and minds of the people by insulting them and ignoring the standards of their culture. This is about the people who live there and the armies we are serving with. Your comment makes the common mistake that all Muslims are terrorists."
Said VoteVets co-founder Jon Soltz: "Sen. Nodler is as clueless as he is offensive. We have women serving in uniform, in theater, every day, despite many people in the region believing women should play no such role. It has posed no problems for our Armed Forces. What is a problem is that we've lost hundreds of translators, and thousands overall, under Don't Ask Don't Tell, so our troops are fighting shorthanded. Sen. Nodler should be a lot more concerned about that."