UPDATE – 5:45 pm – DC Agenda reports that U.S. Capitol police arrived at Pelosi's offices, entered for a few moments to chants of "Equal rights now! ENDA starts here!" and exited, without arresting anyone.
Activists from GetEQUAL in San Francisco and Washington D.C. staged sit-ins at Nancy Pelosi's offices in San Francisco and Washington D.C. to draw attention to the need for the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), GetEQUAL co-founder Kip Williams announced in a YouTube video this afternoon.
A 'blog swarm' targeting Pelosi's office, in which we participated, also took place today.
The activists are live-tweetings from the sit-ins at hashtag #getenda. They say they don't plan to leave the offices until ENDA comes to a vote later this month or they get arrested.
Robin McGehee, the other co-founder of GetEQUAL was arrested this afternoon outside the White House at the action taken by Lt. Dan Choi and Captain Jim Pietrangelo.
Watch Kip Williams' video, AFTER THE JUMP…
Below, the D.C. activists in Pelosi's office, via @metroweekly's Twitter.