Lt. Dan Choi and Captain Jim Pietrangelo have ended their hunger strike over "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" after a week of fasting. His website:
The fast of the past seven days has been a success because people have been educated to the use of fasting as a tool to bring attention to a set of clear political and social demands.
Tonight, we will end the fast knowing that the inadequacies of the ‘compromise' to end ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell' are well known. Our quest to end the discharges, stop the insulting study, and institute a non-discrimination policy is not over. In the coming weeks, we will prepare to resume our fast and will provide many ways for those who believe in uncompromising justice to join us.
On a personal note, we have learned a great deal about the proper planning involved in fasting. We appreciate the concerns that many have expressed. When this fast is resumed, we will be using the proper safeguards to ensure our health is properly attended to. Everyone that considers fasting for an extended period of time must also take proper precautions.
Probably a good idea with no real end to DADT in sight yet.