Police in Rock Island, Illinois are investigating an attack on a 17-year-old teen by four others:
"The video shows 17-year old Mason Steiner being hit by four boys with what look like Nerf baseball bats, He claims the boys called him a gay slur during the incident. A fifth boy was videotaping it, and someone posted it on YouTube.'If they were calling that young man a faggot, then that's a hate crime', said Scott Smith, with Quad Citians Affirming Diversity.It happened May 28th. Police were called but didn't know about the video until Tuesday.'Obviously the video helps support the facts of the case from what the victim told us. The video speaks for itself', VenHuizen said.But, the video was posted without the audio, so there are no inflammatory words heard. The video was taken down from YouTube Wednesday."
The YouTube video was tagged with the word "fag". Steiner was left with bruises and a black eye from the attack.