Here are some headlines you may have missed over the weekend.
More whiplash on 'DADT': Ninth Circuit Reverses Part of DADT Injunction.
'Ex-Gay' cracks: Alan Chambers Compares Homosexuality To Obesity.
Hate leader: Bryan Fischer Claims the Bachmanns Are Victims Of 'Religious Bigotry.
If Marcus Bachmann Recorded A Single based on Britney Spears "Womanizer".
Word: Watch: Dan Savage Calls Bachmanns 'Grifters' and 'Scumbags' On 'Real Time'.
They don't exist: Conservatives Crusade To Repeal California's LGBT History Law.
Red Shame: Blood Bank Denies a Man For 'Appearing' Gay.
A first: Active Duty Troops March In San Diego Gay Pride: VIDEO.
Be careful: Reported Hate Crimes are On The Rise In New York City.
America's Mayor: Rudy Giuliani Tells GOP To Lay Off Gay Marriage.
Beehive State: Gay Democrat Wins Utah Party Chair, Courts the Mormons.
Plagiarism? Bette Midler Blasted Lady Gaga For Mermaid Wheelchair Bit.
Also, don't miss the news round-ups HERE and HERE.
(Tom Hardy shot from the news round-up).