True Blood renewed for Season 5.
Where was Fred Karger during the Iowa GOP debate he was excluded from?
Gaga releases image from "Yoü and I" video.
An unrecognizable Jane Wiedlin.
British PM David Cameron suggests banning rioters from Twitter, Facebook and BlackBerry Messenger: "The prime minister said the government will review whether it is possible to stop suspected rioters spreading online messages, in his opening statement during a Commons debate on Thursday on the widespread civil disorder for which MPs were recalled from their summer recess."
Gay bar to debut in West Seattle.
Gay Australian couple in condom ad controversy are now foster parents. "We decided to change the life of a child that needed rescuing and we hope to formalise our family through marriage soon," the 25-year-old said. "I wear an engagement ring from Anthony and I have told our son we will be getting married soon."
SLDN calls for action from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on service member benefits: "Department officials, both civilian and military, have repeatedly said that gay and lesbian service members will be treated with respect and dignity and that nothing will stand in the way of advancing as far as their skills and talents will take them. We applaud these sentiments, and we are calling on the Department of Defense to formalize this commitment by reflecting them in its policies and practices."
Footballer Diego Forlan displays his bod by the pool in Miami.
Hunger Games hotties.
Human Rights Campaign kicks off bus tour in Utah: "ABC 4 talked exclusively with the group's President Joe Solmonese, 'Our community has really experienced a great deal of hope about the path forward here in this State.' The organization is filming a movie about the 17 city tour. A Thursday shoot overlooking the Salt Lake Valley is directed toward people who may feel lost or confused about their sexuality."
Does the world need a documentary about Chris Crocker?
Space Shuttles Endeavour and Discovery nose-to-nose.
Internet saves 89-year-old barber whose shop was destroyed in the London riots.
Defense team asks court to dismiss charges against Tyler Clementi's roommate Dharun Ravi, citing an apology he texted around the time Clementi took his own life by jumping from the George Washington Bridge.