How Republicans killed the Post Office.
Catholic priest in Minneapolis Star-Tribune: You can pray the gay away.
Photographer tracks down last surviving 9/11 rescue dogs.
Madonna reportedly forces volunteers to look away as she enters at Toronto International Film Fest: "One volunteer told the Globe they all dutifully stood with their backs to her as she passed."
Andrew Belonsky sounds off on Sally Kern, AIDS, and The Green Lantern.
House's Jesse Spencer, surfing in Malibu.
Rob Schlein, president of the Log Cabin Republicans of Dallas, explains to Michelangelo Signorile why he supports Rick Perry: "He went on to say that gays and lesbians need jobs and that he trusts Perry's jobs plan. I pointed out that Perry is against an anti-discrimination law protecting gays and lesbians, which is certainly about helping LGBT people keep their jobs. I then pointed out that in most states, including Texas people can be fired for being gay or transgender. He responded by implying that anti-discrimination laws don't matter because he could fire anyone for any reason anyway."
Michelle Williams channels Marilyn Monroe for Vogue.
David Byrne puts the world in a tight spot.
The complete Vincente Minnelli.
MC Chris is "not FORCING you to support [him] so you don't HAVE to be a little faggot every time [he tries] to do business."
A gay guide to the Rugby World Cup.
Caregiver for Stonewall survivor Storme Delarverie celebrates her: "As a human being I could not stand by and watch someone who has been in my life for 25 years slip through the cracks. Storme thrives on being a part of “community.” I knew that if I did not reach out and let her know she was still a part of something that she would disappear inside herself and be very lonely. All people deserve respect and recognition and that is what I wanted to give to Storme."
VIDEO: Joe Jonas, in bathtub, ready to throw away his promise ring.
In bed with Marlon Teixeira.
Evangelicals surging back in 2012? "Tim Wildmon, who runs the American Family Association, one of the most generous underwriters of Christian conservative activism, predicted that evangelicals in 2012 will match the fervency of the Ronald Reagan era – in large part because so many pastors are prodding their flocks to the polls. 'They're going to be telling their parishioners to get registered and to make sure to go vote,' he said. 'I think it's huge.'"
Rick Perry gets endorsement of Florida's top anti-gay crusader. Romney "wasn't Mormon enough".
Scottish Cardinal Keith O'Brien calls on government to not allow gays to marry.
Study: Fatherhood leads to drop in testosterone levels. “Unfortunately,” Dr. Ellison added, “I think American males have been brainwashed” to believe lower testosterone means that “maybe you're a wimp, that it's because you're not really a man. “My hope would be that this kind of research has an impact on the American male. It would make them realize that we're meant to be active fathers and participate in the care of our offspring.”