The Weekly Bark is a newsletter published by Principal Larry Davis of Clay Hill Elementary, in Clay County, Florida. It's meant to inform his 40-person staff of goings-on about campus. Last week, it read, in part:
Prayer Around The Flagpole: This is not to be confused with "Pray around the flagpole," which is annual on the 4th day in September. Our pray around the school's flagpole event is to pray for the nation, for each other, and for our school. Many outstanding people are leading information sessions to our new congress for them to understand the first amendment. Pastor Steven Andrew states; "Our children need God back back in schools,' and he is calling on Christians nation-wide to bring back the Holy Bible and Christian prayer to schools. The First Amendment was for Christianity, not other religions. The First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law … prohibiting the free exercise of [Christian] religion … Our Founding Fathers fought for God's unalienable rights of Christian life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom comes from obeying God. Let's get active to bring back the Holy Bible and prayer to schools…
…and so on. Must be a fun guy to work for.
The newsletter has caused some concern in Florida, even among Davis's fellow Christians. According to the Florida Times Union:
Pastor Ron Baker of Russell Baptist Church in Green Cove Springs, who conducts the prayer sessions at Clay Hill and three other Clay County schools, said he doesn't agree with the quoted passage Davis included in the memo.
"If a Muslim wants to pray at the pole, go ahead, I don't care, that's fine," he said. "A Buddhist, I don't have a problem with that."