The situation worsens in Homs.
Here's a video of government explosives detonating in the middle of a peaceful crowd.
… Reuters: Red Cross can't get through … "A major assault on Homs took place yesterday … We continue to received grisly reports of summary executions, arbitrary detentions and torture." … "They are torturing them and killing (detainees) one by one. They are executing them in batches."
INDICTED: Javaris Bradford, the fourth criminal thug fingered in the beating of Brandon White.
From The Advocate: Homophobes to gather at Oxford …
Christian Concern … opposed antidiscrimination laws and is currently fighting efforts to legalize same-sex marriage, and a related organization, the Christian Legal Centre, is helping a psychotherapist appeal her conviction of malpractice by offering an undercover journalist a “cure” for homosexuality. The U.S.-based Alliance Defense Fund, a right-wing legal group, is also involved with the conference.
… Gay students, and many Christians, will be deeply offended to see extremist groups given a platform at Exeter College,” Sam Dick, policy director for the gay rights group Stonewall, told the Oxford Student, a campus newspaper.
Even if Santorum wins Ohio, he can't win Ohio's delegates:
Santorum … has already forsaken nine delegates by not being on ballots in three Ohio congressional districts.
… Santorum failed to file a full complement of delegates in six additional districts, said central committee member Bob Bennett. The holes add up to another nine delegates, for a total of 18 out of the 63 up for grabs. Santorum also did not file all 18 of his at-large delegates.
… but, says Joe Nocera, Santorum is excellent for the Republican Party, and we should all root for him:
If Mitt Romney takes the nomination and then loses to Obama, the extremists who've taken over the party will surely say the problem was Romney's lack of ideological purity. If, however, Santorum is the nominee — and then loses in a landslide — the party will no longer be able to delude itself about where its ideological rigidity has taken it.
An alcoholic doesn't stop drinking until he hits bottom. The Republican Party won't change until it hits bottom.
American Conservative: Why we can't have a Christian republic.
Judge revokes license of bad teenage driver — for life. Bad teen driver gets for life.
It's no crime to break an unjust law: The deportation of a valedictorian.
How many people can fit in Manhattan?
Authors Kergan Edwards-Stout and Gregory G. Allen have an enlightening chat about AIDS, literature, and the quirks'n'perks of modern publishing.
Miley Cyrus grows up; becomes a Lawrence Krauss fan, secular humanist, and moral disappointment to millions of Bible Belt fans.
Tornados wreak havoc across five states; at least 38 die.
Some people were saved. And some who were saved believe they were saved by magic.
WATCH: The disgustingly cute spectacle of a one-year-old who can play drums. AFTER THE JUMP …