Is Bryce Chandler Joe Simpson's secret gay lover?
A couple in Phoenix, Arizona, are preparing to do battle with preservationists trying to grant landmark status to a Frank Lloyd Wright home they want to demolish for profit: “Just as Mr. Sells and Mr. Hoffman prepared to close on the deal,
preservationists involved in protecting Wright's legacy reached out to
the city, asking that the house be considered for landmark status. Mr.
Sells, 50, a technology entrepreneur, said he had no idea of its
significance, or of the difference ‘between Frank Lloyd Wright and the
Wright brothers.'”
Ellen DeGeneres gives Halle Berry a spidery scare.
Hurricane Sandy is a'coming.
The storm's Caribbean death toll is 48.
1990s horror movies, a retrospective.
Pennsylvania lawmakers don't appear interested in the ongoing gay marriage debates swirling around them.
Alicia Silverstone says her first boyfriend was gay: “I've had so many crushes
on gay boys. My first love was so gay, and I didn't know. I used to
defend him because everyone would say he was gay, but he'd say he
wasn't. Then, about six years later, he had the big talk with me.”
Peek-a-boo explained.
The Carrie Diaries, a “prequel” to Sex and the City, has released a season preview and cast a love interest, a love interest we all know won't stand the test of time.
Gay activists in Jamaica taking on colonial era “buggery laws”: “The legal challenge is being taken to the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights, which is modelled on the European Court of Human Rights.
Jamaica is not a full member and any ruling would only be advisory and
not binding; it would, nonetheless, send out a strong signal of
international disapproval.”
Good, sticky line from Romney supporter Marco Rubio about President Obama's policies:
“They're the ideas that have failed every time they've been tried.
They're expensive ideas. They're the ideas of countries that people come
here to get away from.”
Gay men make great husbands, according to ladies interviewed by The Hindustan Times.
Check out the new video for Nicki Minaj's “Va-Va-Voom”.