15 students on the wrong side of history.
Hurricane Sandy benefits happening this month in NYC – an excellent list. Of note is the benefit on Sunday at Industry Bar for the Ali Forney Center.
The sexiest man alive?
Lindsay Lohan to be charged with lying to cops: "Lohan told cops she was NOT behind the wheel of her Porsche when it slammed into the back of an 18-wheeler. Fact is she was — according to multiple witnesses."
Hindsight: Bradley Cooper narrates anti-Romney documentary.
Biden apparently happy with his vote.
Ontario: Out gay man and out lesbian in race to become the leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. "The race to be the next leader of the Ontario Liberal Party is now, finally, an actual race. Three weeks quietly passed following Dalton McGuinty's resignation as Ontario's premier before any of his political brethren launched a leadership bid. Then, in the space of 24 hours, a pair of contenders revealed their candidacy: Toronto-Centre MPP Glen Murray broke the silence Sunday night and Don Valley West MPP Kathleen Wynne will follow suit early this evening."
The looming GOP civil war.
Nathaniel Rogers takes a first look at August, Osage County.
Nick Lachey got back.
Gay political strategist Steve Hildebrand predicts an Obama blowout:
“Obama wins 347-191,” Hildebrand wrote. “After Romney chose Paul Ryan
as his running mate and his 47 percent comments, he was never able to
convince a majority of voters that he would be on their side. He will
lose what could have been a winnable race.”
Frank Bruni rips Frank Schubert's ads: "That milestone seems within reach, and horrified opponents have responded with their favorite and nastiest scare tactic, the insinuation that America's children are about to be corrupted. This fearmongering worked four years ago in California, where voters rejected same-sex marriage after the repeated broadcast of a commercial in which an adorable little girl exultantly informs her aghast mother that in school that day, she learned that princes could marry princes and that she could marry a princess. A stern-looking man then sweeps in to warn viewers that they will be saying O.K. to such ostensible brainwashing if they let gay couples say 'I do.'"
14 couples hoping for marriage wins at the ballot box today.
Sam Worthington arrested for being an obnoxious drunk in public.
Delgaudio: Wingnut Eugene wants lawsuit dismissed.
World's rarest whale identified for first time ever: "The spade-toothed beaked whale has not been seen 150 years. Now two of the rare animals — a mother and her calf — have been identified. The whales washed up on an New Zealand beach in 2010. Scientists originally thought they were a couple of Gray's beaked whales (shown right), which commonly end up stranded on the shoreline. Researchers photographed the dead animals, took tissue samples and then buried them. But after two years and DNA analysis, biologists have determined that the two specimens were the long sought-after spade-toothed beaked variety."
Male model fix: Tyson Paige.
STUDY: Teens with lesbian moms better at school, happier in life. "A new study has found that 17-year-olds with lesbian mothers had high school GPAs ranging between A-minus to B-plus, while having strong family bonds with their mothers, whom the teens consider good role models. The Williams Institute at UCLA, which conducted 'Adolescents with Lesbian Mothers Describe Their Own Lives,' tracked 78 adolescents over a 26-year period."