Homoerotic baseball scouting reports.
Rich Juzwiak: The 2013 guidelines for coming out.
Military spouses group offers lesbian wife a "guest membership".
Planetary scientists discover ancient riverbed on Mars.
Zac Efron freaks out after paparazzo snaps him in a sex shop.
Toronto lawyer charged in death of his ex-husband seeking the dead man's $2 million life insurance proceeds: "The unusual civil case stems from the death of Lanteigne, 49, a University of Toronto accounting clerk found at his Ossington Ave. home on March 3, 2011, after having suffered an apparent beating. Police arrested Papasotiriou last November and charged him in the slaying. Last week, a business associate of his, Mladen 'Michael'' Ivezic, 52, of Mississauga was also charged with murder."
Matt Bomer launching clothing line based on White Collar.
Mark Glaze, the man behind the largest gun violence prevention group in the country: "In an interview with the Washington Blade, Glaze, who's gay, said the country is 'at a tipping point' in the wake of shootings like the one last month at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., where 20 children and six school officials were killed, and is ready to embrace the kinds of protections that 'we get the chance to pass once in a generation.'"
Machete Kills, starring Lady Gaga, gets a release date.
Feel free to call police horses "gay" in the UK.
Inside the world of Mumbai's exploited male masseurs.
Why is James Franco so interested in gay culture? "Just take a look at Franco's C.V.: In addition to his most high-profile gay role, playing Sean Penn's lover in Milk, the 34-year-old has also directed the full-frontal-filled short The Feast of Stephen, filmed a movie about gay Rebel Without a Cause actor Sal Mineo, and played gay poets Allen Ginsberg in Howl and Hart Crane in The Broken Tower, the latter of which Franco directed himself…"
Study: Almost half of gay men bareback.
Is Viagra also a magic weight loss pill?
White House petition to include questions about sexual orientation and gender identity in the proposed school climate survey.
Transgender man has "degrading" experience at Chicago area spa:
"Levi Pine, a Chicago transgender man, has filed an Illinois Dept. of
Human Rights (IDHR) complaint against King Spa & Sauna in Niles,
after a manager told him he would have to use a private shower or
Jeremy Renner hits The Late Show.
VIDEO: A live-action Toy Story.
Cross-dressing Connecticut priest busted for dealing meth, also enjoyed having sex in the rectory. "Now dubbed 'Msgr. Meth' by some, Wallin seemed to live a life that easily could have been ripped from the script of 'Breaking Bad,' the popular AMC series about a high school chemistry teacher turned crystal methamphetamine producer. At one point, Wallin was selling upwards of $9,000 of meth a week, according to his indictment."
Vilnius, Lithuania officials refuse to allow Gay Pride march down central avenue in the city.
Leon Panetta doesn't know why the hell people have to have assault weapons.
Signorile: If Manti Te's is gay. "If the Notre Dame linebacker at the center of the 'girlfriend hoax' story indeed constructed an elaborate cover story for his gay closet, as so many gay men do in worlds that demand they be heterosexual, the emotional jolt of humiliation and embarrassment at being exposed will be overwhelming. We've seen too many young people, particularly with backgrounds like Te'o's, growing up in the conservative, anti-gay Mormon church, pushed against the wall by homophobia and going to extreme lengths in denying their homosexuality, sometimes even harming themselves."