A look back at today's top stories
The fallout from DC Comics' decision to hire an anti-gay bigot to pen their latest comic book continues. Stores in Dallas and San Francisco have decided they will not stock the book and one Texas bookseller has gone public with his reasons why. In a thoughtful and profound speech, gay journalist and undocumented immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas testified at immigration reform hearings in DC today. It's difficult not to be moved by his words.
Good news continues in Illinois where gay rights supporters are confident that the senate may approve same-sex marriage on Valentines Day. In response to the Westboro Baptist Church's decision to protest Vassar over supposed promotion of the "fag agenda", the school has promptly raised over $40,000. Nothing bands people together like hating the WBC. Also check out Rachel Maddow going to town on Republicans for their attempt to block benefits to gay military families.
Despite an attempt to make fun of himself on Good Morning America, Marco Rubio's cotton mouth dilemma during his rebuttal to last night's State of the Union is likely not going away for a while. Ted Nugent was also not a fan of Obama's speech last night. And Anderson Cooper sat down today with Libby Phelps, who recently defected from the Westboro Baptist Church, and tried to get some insight on what it is like to grow up with so much hate.
Hugh Jackman is likely riding high off his recent Oscar nomination but apparently those gay rumors are more damaging than he has been letting on. Matt Damon has decided he is swearing off pooping. And remember the little twins from Desperate Housewives? Well they got super hot and super jacked.
Great news for Fire Island fans! The Pavilion nightclub is coming back to life!