Astronomers locate Tattooine.
Six Rhode Island mayors call on legislature to pass marriage equality bill.
Sean Penn's son Hopper spews racist, homophobic slurs at paparazzo. Video.
Kansas bill would allow people with HIV/AIDS to be quarantined: "Kansas banned quarantining those with AIDS back in 1988, but if this law is passed, those in the LGBT community fear health officials — especially those in rural areas — will begin intimidating those with HIV by threatening to quarantine them."
Did Iowa's leading bigot Bob Vander Plaats have a good time at the March for Marriage?
NYT profiles Mary Bonauto, GLAD attorney behind one of the other DOMA cases: "As the top civil rights lawyer for Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, or GLAD, based in Boston, Ms. Bonauto has spent more than a decade plotting a careful strategy to advance gay marriage rights. She prompted Vermont to create civil unions in 2000, won the 2003 case that made Massachusetts the first state to legalize same-sex marriage and last year persuaded a federal appeals court that the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal benefits to gay couples, is unconstitutional. Yet in a quirk of fate, Ms. Bonauto is watching her life's work this week from the court's spectator seats."
Anti-gay NY state senator Ruben Diaz's son, Ruben Diaz Jr. comes out for marriage equality.
Justin Bieber basically lives without a shirt these days, reportedly spits in neighbor's face.
Bishop Harry Jackson says sexual abuse does not happen in straight marriages: "When a man and a woman are in the house, poverty is lessened. When a man and a woman are in the house, kids don't go to prison. When a man and a woman are in the house, there's less domestic violence. When a man and a woman are in the house, sexual abuse does not happen."
Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka attend Elton John's birthday bash.
Anti-trans Arizona lawmaker John Kavanagh targets bathrooms again: "Instead of criminalizing trans people who want to use the correct bathroom, Kavanagh now wants to legally protect those who wish to prevent them from doing so."
Trailer: What would Ryan Lochte Do?
Zac Efron covers Flaunt.
Bryan Fischer to BBC: "There is no right to engage in homosexual behavior."
Under a Rainbow Flag, gay WWII musical, opens in Chicago: "Schwartz has crafted Phillips' stories of the gay men he knew during World War II, and their budding sexuality, wartime fun and terror, and the post-war America they helped shape."
Guardian's Heather Long: Regardless of SCOTUS ruling, life will remain tough for gays. "Even if the best case scenario occurs and the supreme court rules in favor of gay marriage, it won't change attitudes overnight. Recall the continued uproar in parts of America after the 1954 Brown v Board of Education ruling that mandated desegregation of schools. President Dwight Eisenhower had to send the military to Arkansas in 1957 to protect black students at Little Rock High School. It took years to achieve any sort of real acceptance of non-white students, and some say the education system in America still has de facto segregation, since students go to school where their families live and neigbhorhoods are often made up of people from similar backgrounds."