Horrific terrorist attack on soldier in London (warning graphic).
Abercrombie execs troubled by involvement of CEO Mike Jeffries' partner Matthew Smith.
China to build world's tallest building in seven months.
Lars von Trier is using body doubles for all his Nymphomaniac actors so he can show them having real sex.
Gay candidates win in L.A.: "Ron Galperin has become the first openly gay candidate to win a citywide race in Los Angeles, the second largest city in America. Galperin defeated Dennis Zine in the race for city controller, an office currently held by Wendy Greuel, who lost a bid to become L.A.’s mayor to City Councilman Eric Garcetti. Galperin is an attorney, business owner, community leader – and a recognized expert on L.A. municipal government and finance. Replacing Garcetti on the Council will be openly gay candidate Mitch O’Farrell."
Baltimore Mayor to preside over mass gay wedding at this year's Pride on June 16.
France's first gay marriage: "Vincent and Bruno will be the first gay couple to be legally married in France since President François Hollande signed the 'marriage for all' act into law earlier this month. Helene Mandroux will be the country’s first elected mayor to officiate at a same-sex marriage, while Montpellier will be openly recognized as one of France’s most gay-friendly cities."
Clay Aiken, Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson to judge next season's American Idol?
NOM Communications Director tweets alert to Disney lawyers.
Venomous jellyfish kill two adults in front of their children: "The two were spotted unmoving off the beach and fellow campers were able to haul Ricketson's body ashore and attempt to resuscitate her as the shocked children looked on, WAtoday.com reported. Shugg's body slipped under water and was not recovered after a five-day search."
Ewan McGregor grows pornstache disguise.
Anonymous senior Republican aide on party's obsession with Benghazi: "Some of the accusations, I mean you wouldn't believe some of this stuff. It's just—I mean, you've got to be on Mars to come up with some of this stuff."
GIF creator honored.
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi buy palatial Montecito estate: "The deal went through last week, and words can't do justice to how insane this house is — it's 10,522 square feet … located in Montecito, which has some of the most beautiful vistas in Cali. It's got 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms … and it sits on 13 ACRES. Oh yeah, it's also got NINE fireplaces … and even the pool's got an ocean view."
Jennifer Aniston reunites with Matthew Perry and Courtney Cox.
Hugh Jackman is one of those people who rides a foot scooter around NYC.
Canada updates gay blood donation guidelines: "The new policy, which Canadian Blood Services hopes to have in place by mid-summer, will allow men to donate blood if they haven't had sex with another man for five years before the donation."
Exxon Mobil accused of anti-gay bias: "The complaint was filed Wednesday with the Illinois Department of Human Rights by Freedom to Work, one of several groups which accuse Exxon of flawed workplace policies for gays. The complaint says Exxon was sent two nearly identical resumes for a job opening in Illinois. The only major differences: one applicant made clear she was a gay-rights activist, and had higher grades than the other applicant."
Biden says Jewish leaders in Hollywood drove changing attitudes on gay marriage: "Biden says culture and arts change people's attitudes. He cites social media and the old NBC TV series "Will and Grace" as examples of what helped changed attitudes on gay marriage. Biden says, quote, 'Think — behind of all that, I bet you 85 per cent of those changes, whether it's in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry.'"