Could anti-gay Ugandan pastor Martin "eat da poo poo" Ssempa be charged under the country's anti-homosexuality law?
How much gay sex should a novel have?
People magazine actually chooses a worthy 'Most Beautiful Person'.
George Takei to be honored at GLAAD Awards; Kylie Minogue to perform: "Takei will receive GLAAD's Vito Russo Award, which is presented to an openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender media professional who has made a significant difference in promoting equality."
Ohio ballot measure to overturn gay marriage ban approved to begin gathering signatures: "The Ohio Ballot Board agreed Tuesday that the proposed 'Freedom to Marry and Religious Freedom Amendment' contains a single constitutional amendment, clearing the way for the effort to move forward."
Religious right says poll limited to Republicans shows 'American people' oppose marriage equality: "Two conservative groups are pushing back on moves by the GOP to drop opposition to same-sex marriage from party platforms, releasing a poll of base voters taken last month that found in favor of defining marriage 'only' as between a man and a woman. The poll, commissioned by groups led by conservatives Gary Bauer and Tony Perkins, runs counter to a wide variety of opinion polls that show movement on the question of same-sex marriage, with more voters favoring it than opposing it."
Here's the first set photo from Pitch Perfect 2.
Is James Franco corrupting art?
The governor of Nigeria's Delta state warns of gay teen cult: "Uduaghan told worshipers at Warri's First Baptist Church that gay youths aged 16 to 18 were renting rooms in apartments close to Enerhen Junction and prostituting themselves to men through the cult. ‘These are our sons and men come to sleep with them,' Uduaghan said, according to Nigerian media."
Married lesbian 'throuple' in Massachusetts expecting first child together: "Doll, 30, and Brynn, 32, had been together for 2-and-a-half years when they decided to spice up their relationship with an additional partner."
AP: GOP activists pushing party on gay marriage.
Could a deadly asteroid be coming soon? "None of the 26 asteroids in Brown's data was big enough to destroy a city, because of their size and composition and because all exploded high in the atmosphere. But Lu says this database of harmless asteroids can be extrapolated to shed light on the frequency of their fearsome cousins. The results suggest that a city-killer strikes once a century, though Lu says he wouldn't be surprised if the true rate were actually less worrisome, perhaps once every 150 or 200 years or less frequent still."
Seann William Scott's t-shirt can't contain him.
Tom Hardy nervous about playing Elton John: "I can't hold a tune to save my life.”
Southern Baptist pastor compares resisting gay marriage in the church to resisting slavery in the South: "Preaching against homosexuality in our day is about as popular as preaching against slavery and racism in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1861," said Greear at the ERLC summit. "And back then, I'm sure the politically correct people were like, 'You're just creating a lot of waves that are unnecessary, just preach the Gospel.'"
Poll disappoints scientists: "About 4 in 10 say they are not too confident or outright disbelieve that the earth is warming, mostly a result of man-made heat-trapping gases, that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old or that life on Earth evolved through a process of natural selection, though most were at least somewhat confident in each of those concepts. But a narrow majority — 51 percent — questions the Big Bang theory."
Gay Indian student granted asylum in Australia: "When the man last returned to his home city of Hyderabad in India in 2011, he claimed that his father locked him in a bedroom and pressured him to enter into an arranged marriage. He alleged that his male cousins also assaulted him, twisting his nose and holding a knife against his throat. The student claimed that he was also threatened by a local Islamic cleric. The student escaped his family home with the help of a female friend. He hid in her house until he got a return ticket to reach Australia."