Matt Barber is outraged after San Jose State University's InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapter lost its' status as an officially recognized campus organization after refusing to comply with the school's non-discrimination policies reports Right Wing Watch. Barber went so far as to say on the Faith and Freedom radio program that not allowing Christians to discriminate against gays is, itself, discrimination against Christians.
Said Barber:
"It's an excuse to discriminate against Christians … That's all it is and it's stupid. It's just plain stupid. Imagine going to the African American organization on your campus and saying that you have to allow an open, avowed white supremacist as the leader of this African American organization, maybe a student branch of the NAACP. That is no different than what we are talking about here, but because it's Christians, and this is the truth, really the last group here in the United States that is fair game, that is an open target for discrimination such as this are Christians."
You can listen to Barber's nonsense, if you can stomach it, AFTER THE JUMP…