Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said today he supports Sen. Ted Cruz' proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would enable states to continue outlawing gay marriage regardless of any future Supreme Court ruling on the issue, Talking Points Memo reports:
ABC's "This Week' host George Stephanopoulos asked Jindal if he backed former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's (R) remark that states should just ignore a Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage.
"I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. My faith teaches me that, my Christian faith teaches me that," Jindal responded. "If the Supreme Court were to throw out our law, our constitutional amendment — I hope they wouldn't do that — if they were to do that, I certainly will support Ted Cruz and others that are talking about making an amendment in the congress and D.C., a constitutional amendment to allow states to continue to define marriage."
Washington Blade reported Wednesday on Cruz' renewed call for a constitutional amendment to stop marriage equality:
“I'm a constitutionalist. From the beginning of this country, marriage has been a question of the states, and we should not have the federal government, or unelected judges, setting aside the policy judgment of the elected legislatures and imposing their own instead.”
As he announced in October, Cruz told the Blade he still intends to introduce a constitutional amendment that would prohibit judges from overturning state laws on marriage, but suggested courts already lack the authority to rule in favor of marriage equality.
“Because, as I said, I'm a constitutionalist,” Cruz said. “If a state chooses to adopt gay marriage, that's within its constitutional authority to do so, but if it chooses not to, if it chooses traditional marriage, that is also within its constitutional purview. Part of the genius of the framers of our Constitution was allowing for the now 50 states to be laboratories of democracy, to adopt and reflect different policy choices state by state.”
Earlier today, we reported on Jindal's prayer rally held at LSU over the weekend that featured a variety of self-proclaimed prohets, doomsday sayers, and anti-gay nuts.