Colorado House of Representatives embarrassment Gordon Klingenschmitt has said the bakery owners in Oregon who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple are “a blessing” to gay people because they refuse “to participate in their acts of sodomy”
Demon-obsessed homophobe, religious zealot and Colorado House of Representatives embarrassment Gordon Klingenschmitt has said the bakery owners in Oregon who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple are “a blessing” to gay people because they refuse “to participate in their acts of sodomy."
Speaking on his unhinged “Pray In Jesus Name” show, Klingenschmitt started with the conspiracy theories, arguing that the government is out to bankrupt Christian business owners.
He continued that bakery owners Aaron and Melissa Klein "are being persecuted for righteousness sake" because they “are not going to endorse” a sin that is “harmful to you in the homosexual community.”
Watch via Right Wing Watch as Klingenschmitt prays for your damned soul, AFTER THE JUMP…