An attack on an Orlando man last month which was captured on a cell phone as it happened was motivated by the man's sexual orientation, according to police.
WFTV reports:
The victim, who doesn't want to be identified, said he was jumped by about 10 people and now fears for his and his family's safety.
He believes the beat-down stemmed from a fight at the Callahan Community Center, in Parramore, and that the group was looking to settle the score with anyone in the neighborhood who happened to be gay.
The video shows the mob of teens ambushing the victim while screaming statements about his sexual orientation. He's seen on the ground being punched and slammed with chairs before managing to break away.
A 14- and 16- year old have been identified as two of the attackers and police are working to identify the others.
Watch WFTV's report, AFTER THE JUMP…