A petition has been set up to oppose the depiction of same-sex couples as “a family” in an advertisement for Costa Rican biscuit company Pozuelo, reports Buzzfeed.
The company's #CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia (When there is love there is family) campaign shows varying depictions of what makes a family: an older couple with their dogs, a mother and father with two children, a father-and-son single parent family and a same-sex couple.
The petition asks the offended to use the hashtag #NoEsLoMismo (not the same) to vent their anger.
No es lo mismo que la niña coja sereno, que el sereno coja a la niña. #NoEsLoMismo
— NO!! No es lo mismo! (@_No_es_lo_mismo) June 22, 2015
En Pozuelo hemos estado por más de 95 años en las mesas de todas las familias, por eso celebramos aquello que las define: el amor… porque #CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia
Posted by Galletas Pozuelo on Sunday, 14 June 2015
However, Twitter users have taken on the official campaign tag #CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia to express support for the advert.
#CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia Gracias #GalletasPozuelo por visibilizar los diferentes moldes de familia de nuestros país. https://t.co/agTTesrFnC
— Wendy Araya (@wmaraya) June 12, 2015
En Pozuelo creeemos que el amor es lo que nos hace familia. #CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia #Pozuelo https://t.co/Skvpp0CC3o — Galletas Pozuelo (@GalletasPozuelo) June 13, 2015
Where there is love, there is family. #CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia
— Thurm (@MrWizardWannaBe) June 19, 2015