Proving just how little he knows about the First Amendment and the separation of church and state, Oregon baker Aaron Klein appeared on End Time radio host Rick Wiles' program last week to discuss the latest in the ongoing cake baking controversy.
“The people who sit in the pews on Sunday are not protected,” Klein asserted. “You will have the rainbow flag flying above your church because they will be considered hate.”
Wiles claimed the rainbow flag and Nazi swastika have the “same spirit behind it” before proceeding to get a hard-on asking Klein about how close the Oregon state capital is to an earthquake fault.
“People who live on a subduction zone should not defy the living God,” Wiles said. “Let's be real blunt about it: If you live on a fault line or a volcano, you really shouldn't be shaking your fist at the God who made the planet. That's really dumb.”
Last year, Wiles suggested a global Ebola pandemic could “solve” America's problem with homosexuality.
[via Right Wing Watch]