Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell admits that the Republican Party has run out of legislative options when it comes to fighting gay marriage.
Speaking with Kentucky TV station WDRB on Tuesday, McConnell said that the Supreme Court has effectively settled the issue:
“Well, I've always felt that marriage was between one man and one woman. The Supreme Court has held otherwise. That's the law of the land,” McConnell told WDRB.
However, McConnell is considering legislation that would protect anti-gay discrimination couched as so-called ‘religious liberty':
“We'll be taking a look at whether or not religious liberty needs to be enhanced by statute. So, there's a possibility of legislation, but I think most of this is going to be in the courts,” he said.
As for a constitutional amendment, McConnell does not think it has much chance of succeeding:
“Well it isn't going to pass. It's one thing to talk about a constitutional amendment, but we've only done that 27 times in the history of our country. It's not going to pass,” said McConnell.
McConnell's sentiment towards an anti-gay constitutional amendment is not shared by his Senate colleague Ted Cruz, nor by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, both of whom have advocated for enshrining discrimination into the U.S. Constitution.
Watch a news report on the interview as well as the full uncut interview itself, below: