On Monday's The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart took aim at FOX News for criticizing Stewart's reported meeting with President Obama at the White House.
Stewart disputed the claim made by FOX News' media critic Howard Kurtz that Stewart has in essence been a propagandist for the Obama administration. The problem with FOX's argument is, as Stewart put it, “They didn't support their assertions with”, what's the word? “…evidence.” Stewart added,
“Your hypocrisy isn't a bug in the Fox model. It's the feature. Your job is to discredit any source of criticism that might hurt the conservative brand by angrily holding them to standards you yourselves jettisoned in your news network's mission statement.”
Going in for the kill, Stewart said,
“My hunch is this show has been harder on the Obama administration and this President per capita than you ever were in your eight years of Bush finger-banging.”
Watch the video below: