Answers in Genesis head honcho Ken Ham unwittingly hit the nail on the head last week when he complained that a non-literal interpretation of the Bible reveals that God in fact did not create marriage.
RELATED: Creation Museum Wacko Ken Ham Says ‘Homosexual Behavior' A Sign of End Times: VIDEO
Appearing on radio show Point of View, Ham also worried that Americans will lose their clothes if they fail to accept that the bible is not just a hashed together collection of stories rewritten and appropriated to serve the Catholic hierarchy.
"Bible-believers believe in creation first and foremost because that is what the Bible plainly reveals" – B.Osborne
— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) October 26, 2015
According to Right Wing Watch, Ham said:
“The doctrine of marriage is based there upon the literal history of Genesis.
“But if that history is not true, if there was no literal Adam and Eve, then what is marriage, why is it to be a man and a woman? It's only a man and a woman because God invented marriage, and he invented marriage when he made the first marriage, Adam and Eve.”
“The origin of clothing,” he added “…it's right there in Genesis [so] if you abandon Genesis' literal history of marriage and say marriage can be two men or two women or whatever you want, well why not abandon clothing?”
Ham's creationist nonsense is so off the charts that earlier this year even hoary old bigot Pat Robertson had a go at him.
(Image via Wikipedia)