Linda Harvey, a demon-obsessed muck-spreader and president of listed hate group Mission America, has said that gay people want to sexually abuse children in order to turn them gay and “convert” them to the LGBT rights cause.
In her latest column for WorldNetDaily this week, Harvey pulled no punches with a particularly pernicious piece titled “They're creating ‘gays' by corrupting our kids.”
Citing Matt Barber's incendiary BarbWire (not the Pamela Anderson one) as a source, Harvey argues that “the correlation between child molestation and the development of same-sex attraction for some youth is irrefutable.”
RELATED: Linda Harvey: Satanic LGBT Youth are Embracing ‘Dehumanizing Sexual Practices'
The column continues in part:
“Children, if asked, would really prefer not to be lured somewhere by a shady adult, shown pornography, given alcohol or drugs, told they ‘want this' and were ‘born this way' and end up in intimate contact they never chose, contact that messes with their body and soul and may take a lifetime to overcome.
“Many recover, but some go on to embrace these premature, perverted desires. Some even become advocates for overturning marriage and civil rights law to enshrine homosexuality and gender rebellion as norms.
“The movement for ‘LGBT equality' is largely built on this quicksand. All of America is endangered if we bless the rotten fruits of criminal conduct against children. Are we insane?
“It's time America called the homosexual activists on their Stockholm syndrome. They were not born this way, but created through sexual indoctrination.
“A vulnerable boy may be seduced by an uncle, cousin, or the guy down the street. Or if he is somehow persuaded he was ‘born that way,' he may then show up at the local community center for ‘gay' youth where he'll meet older homosexuals who will take advantage of his youth and misinformation.”
She concludes that “aberrant sexual conduct is not the key to a bright future. It's the key to the gates of hell.”
Among her many choice hateful comments, last year Harvey said that gay parents are more likely to molest their children than straight parents.