Ted Cruz sat down with Steven Crowder this week on ‘Louder with Crowder' and an accusation that the Obama administration doesn't acknowledge that radical Islamic terrorists exist took a quick detour to bash trans people.
Said Crowder:
“We're talking about a generation of people who get offended if you use the genetically proper pronouns. So, getting to the point of calling something Islamic terrorism is a little further down the trail.”
Responded Cruz:
“Look, these guys are so nutty that the federal government is going after school districts, trying to force them to let boys shower with little girls. Now listen: I'm the father of two daughters, and the idea that the federal government is coming in saying that boys, with all the god-given equipment of boys, can be in the shower room with junior high girls – this is lunacy! …You know, the funny thing is, my five-year-old knows there's a difference between boys and girls. And yet modern Leftists can't figure that out.”
(h/t americablog)