In Bill Maher's excellent New Rule last night, he showed how useless fact-checking is in 2016 because politicians, mainly Republicans, simply make up their own truths.
Says Maher:
“We can all stop asking the question, why isn't our government functioning?' Why? Because truth is dead and the internet killed it.”
Maher points out some “Republican talking points that cannot be killed, despite being disproven time and time again…Things like voter fraud being rampant, or tax cuts paying for themselves, or Lindsey Graham just hasn't met the right girl.”
So what happens when you call Republicans out on their lies in 2016?
“They just say ‘oh, I see what you're doing by fact-checking me. I just don't care, because my fans don't care.'”
Things like Ted Cruz and his ongoing lie about trans rights, that the federal government is trying to force boys to shower with little girls. Or Carly Fiorina and the baby parts video
Says Maher:
“That video doesn't exist unless you subscribe to NUTflix.”