Magician Justin Willman decided to use his magical powers for good and help educate America on why the transgender bathroom myth is a bunch of bullsh**.
Willman suggests that transgender bathroom rights really isn't a complicated issue. And neither is gender identity. In fact, they are so simple that they can be explained with peanut butter and jelly.
Imagine, for instance, that a peanut butter jar was actually filled with jelly, and that a jelly jar was filled with peanut butter. While the jar in each case may not match its contents, the contents themselves do not change. The peanut butter is still peanut butter even though it's in a jelly jar.
Says Willman, “I guess it doesn't matter what it says on the jar. If it's got peanut butter in it we should just show it some god-damned respect and call it peanut butter because it didn't choose the jar.”
Get the picture?
RELATED: Debunking the Dangerous Myth Behind America's Anti-LGBT ‘Bathroom Bills' – WATCH
Willman adds,
“I know this seems so simple but there are some f**king idiots out there who just can't comprehend this. They think that the peanut butter is going to pretend to be jelly just so it can sneak over here and listen to the jelly pee and just jerk off–that's not what this is about, Dad! If it's peanut butter, let it pee with peanut butter. And if it's jelly, let it pee with jelly.”
Watch, below.