The iconic scene from the holiday classic Love Actually in which Andrew Lincoln professes his love for Keira Knightley on her doorstep with a set of written poster cards got a topical and equally-wrenching spin from Saturday Night Live last night.
Kate McKinnon's Hillary Clinton showed up at the door of elector Cecily Strong and made her case (with a hilarious but true set of cards) for why she should reject Donald Trump when the Electoral College votes for president (tomorrow's the day).
As Politico notes, the electors are under siege in an election like no other:
In the aftermath of a uniquely polarizing presidential contest, the once-anonymous electors are squarely in the spotlight, targeted by death threats, harassing phone calls and reams of hate mail. One Texas Republican elector said he's been bombarded with more than 200,000 emails…
…There have been ad campaigns targeting electors and op-eds assailing their role. One Democratic member of Congress has called to delay the vote for president while an investigation of Russian involvement in the election is underway. Twoothers have pleaded with electors to consider Russia's role when deciding how to vote. Progressive groups are preparing protests across the country at sites where electors will meet to cast their ballots. Personal contact information for many electors has been posted publicly — and it's been used to bury them with massive email campaigns.
And here's the show's cold open: