Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez, whose powerful and haunting speech (above) on Saturday at March for Our Lives will go down in history, told Yahoo that her sexual orientation and her drive to lead the anti-gun movement are inextricably connected.
Said Gonzalez, 18, who identifies as bisexual: “They're definitely linked for me personally. If I wasn't so open about who I was I never would've been able to do this. In ninth grade, I was in a creative writing class where I could actually really effectively communicate what I was feeling, and it especially helped me come to terms with who I was. That definitely was when I really understood who I am, and when I came to terms with it, and when I told most people.”
Gonzlez said being out “helped [her] understand that everybody, no matter who they are and what they look like, is going through a lot of different things.”
Gonzalez told Yahoo that she is proud of the Gays Against Guns activist group and counts transgender activist and Stonewall veteran Sylvia Rivera as a major inspiration.
Read the excellent profile here.