On Full Frontal, Samantha Bee apologized again for using the C-word against Ivanka Trump. “I crossed the line and I regret it.”
Said Bee: “I never intended it to hurt anyone…except Ted Cruz. Many men were also offended by my use of the word. I do not care about that.”
She added: “I hate that this distracted from more important issues. I hate that I did something to contribute to the nightmare of 24 hour news cycles that we're all white knuckling through. I should've known that a potty-mouthed insult would be inherently more interesting to [the media] than juvenile immigration policy. I would do anything to help those kids. I hate that this distracted from them, so to them I am also sorry.
And she had some perfect closing thoughts: “And look, if you are worried about the death of civility, don't sweat it. I'm a comedian. People who hone their voices in basement bars while yelling back at drunk hecklers are definitely not paragons of civility. I am, I'm really sorry that I said that word, but you know what? Civility is just nice words. Maybe we should all worry a little bit more about the niceness of our actions.”