JERRY FALWELL JR. Politico exposé goes far deeper than the pool boy. “When he does stupid stuff, people will mention it to others they consider confidants and not keep it totally secret,” a trusted adviser to Falwell, the school's president and chancellor, told me. “But they won't rat him out.”
OSCAR BAIT? Early reviews of Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers are glowing.

VOLFEFE. JP Morgan creates index to determine how Trump's tweets are affecting interest rates: “This makes rough sense as much of the president's tweets have been focused on the Federal Reserve, and as trade tensions are broadly seen as, first and foremost, impactful on near-term economic performance and, likewise, the Fed's reaction to such developments,” wrote the authors of the J.P. Morgan report.
NEW CHALLENGER. Trump attacks Mark Sanford following presidential bid announcement.
BLOWN COVER. U.S. extracted spy from Russia over fears Trump would blow their cover: “A person directly involved in the discussions said that the removal of the Russian was driven, in part, by concerns that President Donald Trump and his administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy.”
GLSEN. Awards to honor Riverdale, Octavia Spencer…
2020. Billionaire Tom Steyer qualifies for October Democratic debate.
MAN CANDY. Franco Noriega, Kellan Lutz, Tom Daley, Tyson Beckford, Maluma and more.
MARK HALPERIN. Disgraced political reporter threatened MSNBC head Phil Griffin for canning his comeback: “The hostile exchange was a sign of Halperin's frustration that his dream of returning to the punditry business—almost two years after numerous women came forward with stories of sexual misconduct—has been thwarted at each turn. The former MSNBC contributor has been attempting to rehab a career that imploded when former colleagues and subordinates accused him of groping and unwanted sexual advances during his tenure as an ABC News political reporter.”
BABY ARCHIE. Ellen spent an afternoon with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and fed the royal baby.
SURVIVOR 39. The full cast has been revealed…
PREVIEW OF THE DAY. Queer Eye in Japan.
CATCH OF THE DAY. Guy on amusement park ride catches stranger's iPhone in mid-air.
MONDAY MUSCLE. Michael Arafat.