The Florida Supreme Court has disciplined attorney and former judicial candidate Donald McBath for homophobic and Islamophobic remarks he made on social media. McBath was suspended from practicing law for 91 days.
The Tampa Bay Times reports: “In a complaint, the Bar documented 15 comments the San Antonio family lawyer made on Facebook or Twitter. They included anti-Muslim remarks (“never trust a Muslim”), homophobic remarks (“Abstain, if you really have that mental illness. It's not love”), comments against abortion, comments supportive of President Donald Trump's travel ban (“They're leaches on our system.”) and comments attacking “the left” and “liberals.” The Bar also noted his Twitter profile stated: ‘100% Trump supporter #MAGA; #KAG; proud DEPLORABLE; Pro-God; Christian; Pro-Life; Pro-Gun; Anti-Sharia; Constitutional Conservative; Former Major US Army.'”
During his campaign for a seat on the Sixth Judicial Circuit, McBath claimed that the comments “wouldn't prevent him from treating a Muslim or LGBTQ citizen fairly if one appeared before him as a judge.”