The eighth episode of Tiger King — an after show” hosted by comedian Joel McHale — will premiere Sunday, Netflix has announced.
“On April 12, Netflix will release an eighth installment called The Tiger King and I,” McHale says in a Twitter teaser, sporting a “NETFLIX” stomach tattoo similar to the “PRIVATELY OWNED BY JOE EXOTIC” tattoo on the star's ex-husband, John Finlay, in the show.
“It's an after show hosted by me. I talk to a lot of people involved in the project — Jeff and Lauren Lowe, Saff, Erik Cowie, John Finlay, John Reinke and Rick Kirkham — to see what's happened in their lives since the release of the series. It's eye-opening and, hopefully, funny,” McHale adds.
The announcement comes after Jeff Lowe teased an eighth episode last week.
Meanwhile, another Lowe — Rob — announced he may play Joe Exotic in a scripted adaptation from producer Ryan Murphy.
“Rob Exotic. UPDATE: Ryan Murphy and I will be developing our version of this insane story. Stay tuned!” Rob Lowe wrote on Instagram on Thursday.
Stay tuned.