Dr. Anthony Fauci responded on Tuesday morning to Donald Trump, who, in a manic Monday night tweetstorm filled with copious amounts of dangerous misinformation, accused the nation's leading infectious disease expert of misleading the public.
Said Fauci: “I don't know how to address that. I'm just going to certainly continue doing my job. I don't tweet. I don't even read them, so I don't really want to go there. I just will continue to do my job no matter what comes out because I think it's very important. We're in the middle of a crisis with regard to a pandemic. This is what I do, this is what I've been trained for all my professional life and I'll continue to do it…I have not been misleading the American public under any circumstances.”
Fauci also spoke about the states he is most concerned about and the need for a national strategy:
And the hope for a vaccine: